Welcome to data.dconc.gov!
We will be adding more data feeds depending on the feedback we receive from the community.
Below is a list of current data feeds:
Query string documentation
Paging and return limit:
count=<Number of records returned> Defaults to 1000
page=<page in the data set to return>
Return Format
format=csv (returns csv format)
format=json (returns json format)
format=geojson (returns geojson format)
Both the geojson and json formast support "jsonp" style callbacks.
callback=<Call back name> (places CallbackName( ... ) around the returned data)
Return Specific Columns
columns=[Any column],[Any column],[Any column]...
columns=all (Show all columns)
Query Columns:
[Any column]__gt = <any value> (greater than)
[Any column]__gte=<any value> (greater than or equal to)
[Any column]__lt=<any value> (less than )
[Any column]__lte=<any value> (less than or equal to)
[Any column]__range=<any value start>,<any value high> (between 2 given values)
[Any column]__startswith=<Any column> (String column starts with)
[Any column]__endswith=<Any column> (String column end with)
[Any column]__contains=<Any column> (String column contains the parameter)
Or queries:
|[Any column]=<any value>
place a pipe befor any quey to make it an OR:
All AND/OR statements are are grouped together. in SQL terms that mean it will select like :
Select ... where (status = 'active') AND ( Premise_Name = '%MC' OR Premise_Name = '%taco' )
Not queries:
![Any column]=<any value>
place an excaimation to make it not (can be combined with Or):
Sort Return
sort=[Any column]
sort=+[Any column] (Sort Ascending)
sort=-[Any column] (Sort Descending)
Sort by premise name, all resturants between the latitude points: 36.009413,36.010615 return in csv format
Show only the columns:Premise_name,premise_address1,lat,lon where the premis name starts with MC or taco and the status is active
You can test out simple queries of the resturant data using the GeoJson tester at:
Please be sure to include: "format=geojson" in the url you paste there.
For an example implementation viewer for live resturant data see: